Group Disability and Life

We’ve been providing group life and disability solutions since 1993

We started as Disability RMS almost 30 years ago. Today, with over $350 million in premium and over 40,000 claims under management, you can use our expertise to help you meet your goals. We have extensive expertise in managing a full spectrum of group disability and group life insurance products.

We offer customized solutions for claims management, underwriting, actuarial and policy administration.


We provide underwriting services for short-term disability and long-term disability on either a traditional or voluntary basis. Our services include:

  • Pricing and underwriting assistance
  • Case trend analysis
  • Multi-product guidelines
  • Segment analysis
  • Industry assessment tools
  • Performance measures
  • Facultative pricing options


Our claims management team includes experienced managed disability analysts and on-site physicians and nurses. Our integrated claims management systems and approach ensure a seamless claims process from STD to LTD. Our claims services are tailored to your needs and include:

  • Full third-party administration services
  • Organizational assessment
  • Claims systems assessment
  • Vendor network
  • Block segmentation and analysis
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Combined with our flexibility and creativity, we calculate rates that are financially sound and competitive. Our reinsurance pools allow us to collect invaluable pricing and product data — more information than you could gather on your own. Our full-service package keeps your needs at the forefront:

  • Reserve calculations
  • Cash flow projections
  • Rate filings
  • Block analysis
  • Contractual state filing
  • Rate development and analysis


You can trust us to help you comply with the complex, ever-changing regulations in the marketplace. Our experienced compliance team will work with you to file a product tailored to your needs. Services provided include:

  • Regulatory support
  • Filing assistance
  • Product impact assessment
  • Customized contract drafting
  • Policy updating
  • Product research
  • Contract comparison


You can trust us to help you comply with the complex, ever-changing regulations in the marketplace. Our experienced compliance team will work with you to file a product tailored to your needs. Services provided include:

  • Regulatory support
  • Filing assistance
  • Product impact assessment
  • Customized contract drafting
  • Policy updating
  • Product research
  • Contract comparison

Daniel Powers
VP, Business Development & Client Management
+1 (617) 763-8396

Street address
110 Thames St.
Portland, ME 04101

Mailing address
P.O. Box 9757
Portland, ME 04104